At first i’m sorry i’ Writing in English
I do know german but when i write i make some mistakes
So my problem
Today was my sons first day at School. He is 6.
I talked with his teacher this morning that he has to go in Hort and she assured me she will bring him if somebody from Hort doesn’t take the kids. ( the Hort is in the same building.)
But what happens
I’m komming home 13.00 o’clok. Minute later someones on the dore. I opened- my son whit my neighbor’s child. I was chocked. We live seven kilometers away from the city in which my son goes to school. He told me he came with the school bus.
It turned out his teacher forgot about him.
One teacher from hort went there and took the hort kids (and because she knows him, he was in hort lasr week two times)- she asked him. Will you mother pick you up today. He said yes. And she left him there. He is 6. You ask he answers. He didn’t told you i will take him now.
He didn’t know what to do and just went with other kids. Saw the bus . One of the kids told him this bus goes where we live and he jumped in. When they were on our buss stop he saw the playground ,recognized it and get off. And so
My six years old in his first day at school
Get on the bus and walked alone kilometer or so till our Hause. (He has newer been on a bus before and never been alone)
It turns out in the school teachers don’t know how the kids goes home. Do they parents pick them um, with bus, or they go in hort.
I talked with the teacher. I‘m pretty sure that won’t happen again. But
What the heck
Thank god my son is ok. What if he got off in other plase. Get lost . I can’t imagine picking up my kid and he is not there. I don’t want to think what could have happened.
I don’t know schould i go to the rector about this. But im angry. Really angry.
Naja, ab der Schule sind Lehrer oder Hortbetreuer , nach Schulschluss/ bzw. Hortschluss, nicht mehr in der Betreuungsspflicht, ob Kinder von Eltern abgeholt werden oder sie mit dem Bus heimfahren, Das ist eine Absprache zwischen Eltern und Kind. Ihr müsst euren Sohn sagen, ob er nach der Schule an der Schule warten soll, bis ihr ihn holt oder ob er mit dem Bus heimfahren soll.
Wie meinst du mit dem Bringen, wenn keiner aus dem Hort ihn nicht mitnimmt, meinst du Bringservice nach Hause ? Weiß gar nicht, ob das sie das rechtlich und versichersabdeckend überhaupt dürfen.
Ich antworte mal auf deutsch, ich hoffe das passt.
Der Fehler war, dass dein Sohn offensichtlich nicht wusste, dass er in den Hort muss.
Die Lehrerin hat ja gesagt, sie bringt ihn zum Hort, wenn keiner von dort kommt und die Kinder abholt. Es kam aber jemand, und dein Sohn ist nicht mitgegangen...
Er ist jetzt nicht mehr im Kindergarten sondern in der Schule, da wird ein bisschen Eigenverantwortung verlangt, auch von 6jährigen.
Niemand kann etwas dafür, dass dein Kind noch nie Bus gefahren ist , seinen Schulweg nicht kennt und noch nie alleine war. Es ist deine Aufgabe ihm darauf vorzubereiten.
Das nächste mal machst du deinem Sohn eindeutig klar, ob er nach Hause soll oder in den Hort geht. Die Lehrerin kann sich das nicht bei ca25 Kinder merken und das ändert sich ja auch täglich. Und du übst mit ihm, was er im Ernstfall tun soll, wenn er nicht weiß wohin (zB in eine andere Klasse gehen und dort eine Lehrkraft ansprechen).
you should have prepared your son for it. Practice with him his way to school, explain what he has to do after school. Tell him he has to go to the hoard. Such small children are quickly overwhelmed. Report the incident to the school and ask them to pay attention. Just tell the teachers that your son will not be picked up and will not be allowed to go home alone.
My son knows he has to go in hort.
He knows i will pick him up after that.
I told him his teacher is going to took him. Or someone from hort is going to pick him. That’s what his teacher told me.
But his teacher forgot about him. And the other from hort didn‘t took him with the other kids. I told them too that my son will go Mittwoch. But the one i told didn’t said the one who picked up the kids.
So he thought is done - school, hort. It‘s his first day!
But i wasn’t there to pick him up. So he heard this Bus goes where we live and jumped in.
Im just wondering - when kids are so small-6years old- they first day, they are overwhelmed, excited, they think they are so big now. - teachers school have to do better. Have more control. At least the first few weeks. Till kids know where they are.
I don’t get it.
Teacher forgets. The other don’t know. Bus driver saw a confused child but left him on a bus stop.
In first Grade should be more control.
I spoke just with the teacher. I don’t know should i speak with the Rektor. But i don’t think it will be any help.
Is like that in every school here
First grade ,first day, Klasses are over and kids are komepletely unwatched.
The teachers mustn't forget your son. That is a violation of the duty of supervision. That's exactly what I would say to the school. My girlfriend is from Poland and does not speak German well. With her, a lot goes wrong. We now do it so that she tells me her problem and I write messages to the school. The teachers have in your case grossly violated the duty of supervision. Had something happened to the child, the hoard would have had a big problem.
Hey, keep cool. That is the main difference between Kindergarden and school. The Kids are now responsible. In this case responsible for their ways to school, from school, in the school and to the Hort.
When we signed the Hort contract, we were informed, that we pay the Hort for taking care of our children while they are in the Hort. But that there ist no duty that the Child has to go to the Hort. If the Child is not going there - no matter what reason it is - it is not the task of the Hort to search it or take it to the Hort.
The Teacher shall give Lessons and during the obligational Lessons he or She has to watch the children. But when the school day ist over, it is not the teachers duty to take or organize the Kids anywhere. That ist up to the Kids. That ist the school law.
Many Teacher and educators anyway try to help the Kids during their first time in school and take them with or ask them and of course they promise to help them. But reality ist different and with so many Kids and only one person a gapless check is just not possible when the bell rings and half of the class ist running out of the door. And he was asked, and gave the wrong answer. So now ....well it went wrong....and you are angry ... and the teacher surrely is sorry... and it could have been better.... Yes i understand that .... But actually you can not blame the teacher or the Hort.
Congratulations! Your little boy ist now a tall school Kid and he has to know what he is supposed to do. And he has to give correct answers if he ist asked. And if he has not understood what the question was and were to go, he has to ask. And before school you must check that he knows where to go when school ist over.
I got lost on my first school day too. I went home, learned quickly and it never happened again ;)
Thank you all for you answers.
I have to say i am really proud of my boy. He is a big man now.
But we MOTHERS all have the gift to think always What Could Have Happened when it comes to our children. We don’t think - well something went wrong, but ended ok. We think something went wrong what could have happened if...
Aber sie haben das Kind ja vergessen. Durch falsche Absprachen untereinander. Der Mutter wurde gesagt, dass das Kind abgeholt und in den Hort gebracht wird. Die Hortner wussten, dass der Junge nicht allein nach Hause gehen darf. In meinen Augen ist das eine grobe Aufsichtspflichtverletzung, die auch böse hätte ins Auge gehen können. Außerdem hätte es im Hort auffallen müssen, dass ein Kind fehlt. Spätestens dann hätte die Mutter informiert werden müssen.
Wir haben Hort und Schule auch in einem Gebäude.
Trotzdem werden jedes Schuljahr von der Schule Zettel ausgeteilt, in denen erfragt wird, wo das Kind im Falle von: früher Schulschluss, Schulausflügen, ganz reguläres Unterrichtsende usw. hingeht. Es gibt immer mehrere Antwortmöglichkeiten. Eine davon ist: Mein Kind wird abgeholt...
Das impliziert, es wird abgeholt, IMMER!
Somit wissen die Lehrer Kind XY geht immer in den Hort und wird dort übergeben, es sei denn die Eltern (oder wer auch immer berechtigt ist) holt es direkt nach der Schule ab (wird vom Lehrer dem Abholer übergeben).
Aber trotz allem: Hut ab! Dein 6-Jähriger ist allein mit dem Schulbus nach Hause gefahren und nach Hause gelaufen! Das war eine sehr starke Leistung und hat dir bewiesen, dass dein Kleiner eben doch schon ein großer, selbständiger Junge ist. Sag ihm wie stolz du bist, dass er das schon alleine kann... (auch wenn du drei Kreuze machst, dass ihm nichts passiert ist)